Knowledge Capsules
A simplified approach to understanding some elements of insurance.
The knowledge Capsules are part of the Introduction to Insurance Courses.
1. Actuarial Report
2. Anti-corruption
3. Artists in insurance
4. Big data monetization
5. Blockchain
6. Business Continuity Plan
7. Captive management
8. Claim management
9. Competitors’ analysis
10. Compliance
11. Cryptocurrencies
12. Ecosystem
13. Equity management
14. ESG for beginners
15. Ethics
16. Fit and Proper
17. Governance
18. History
19. Internal Control System
20. Insurance Risks
21. Insurance Services
22. Intangible assets
23. Intangible liabilities
24. Internal Audit Policy
25. Investment policy
26. Key Performance Indicators
27. Loss prevention
28. Mission and vision
29. Money Laundering
30. Open insurance
31. Organization
32. ORSA
33. Outsourcing policy
34. Parametric products
35. Peer to Peer Insurance
36. Policies
37. Product Governance Policy
38. Professions
39. Reinsurance
40. Risk appetite
41. Risk Management
42. Smart contracts
43. Solvency II
44. Strategic issues
45. Transformation
46. Underwriting